2011年3月3日 星期四

本日QQ - 世界排名第一3v3的牧師講話了

never loss top1
這位3v3世界排名第一的牧師 (影牧) 他今天在AJ ( 著名的PvP討論網站 ) 上發言群嘲了,雖然霸佔他們第一名好一陣子了,不過他們隊伍真的名符其實 ( Never Lose ),幾乎沒輸過,打到3038分只輸了3場 …

From what I remember of this site in the beginning when I started posting and reading in Season 2, the community was much more helpful and theoretical amongst each other. Posts in battlegroup threads were where all the shit-talk, hate, and laughs were at (at least for Ruin and Vindication). The Class and General Discussion forums were for those in search of insight on their class - whether it was improving your play, tips, guides, macros, or asking other players for strategies.
After TBC, I feel like every other new thread is just another thread to whine about their class or something in the game. It's nice to see threads of top players sharing their ideas/comps/strategies and that's exactly what this site was made for: to allow the top tier players of arena to talk to each other.
I know people care much less about arena than back then, and that everyone has a better understanding of how they want the game to be; but it's pretty sad when you look at every class thread and the first 10 threads are just: WHY I AM GETTING NERFED? BLIZZARD IS ALWAYS WRONG! FERAL SUCKS! SHADOW SUCKS! RESTO NERFED? COMPENSATION COMPENSATION!
Here's my challenge to all of you junkies here: Bring back discussion, do away with the crying. You can keep the trolling

TBC之後,我發現每篇文都只是在講他們的職業或一些遊戲裡面的事情,能看到有文章在討論或分享他們的想法/組合/戰術/ 才是這網站創立的目的,讓鬥士們互相討論。

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我個人認為偶爾到論壇QQ一下並沒有什麼大不了,也是宣洩或討論的方式,很健康,但是競技場這種東西是打組合的,想打上去就不要去打個自我虐待的組合然後又跑到論壇哭哭,這是沒意義的,雖然是腦殘的BZ把競技場作成這樣讓很多玩家無法永遠跟同樣的夥伴用同樣的組合打下去,不過這也是早就該知道的事實,能怎麼辦咧 ( 攤手 )

